Decal Application Instructions

Decal Application Instructions

Important Notice:  
If your bike has been freshly painted, please, allow 3 or more days for paint to fully cure before you apply the decals. If you do not allow the paint to fully cure you may get tiny air bubbles in the decal that will appear after the application. These bubbles may or may not dissipate in direct sunlight over time.
Your decal consists of 3 parts:
- Top Layer or Clear Transfer/Application Tape - covers and holds decal while allowing you to apply decal in one piece.  
- The decal itself. 
- Backing Paper - white colored wax-like paper which protects the adhesive side of the decals until it is ready to be applied. 
* Also remember to follow these tips below to insure proper application: 
- Clean area before installation. Be sure there is no dirt, wax, grease, ect ... in the area you will apply the decal. 
- Use a squeegee for application. 
- Turn the decal upside down and slowly peel the wax paper backing off the decal. Peeling flat and at an angle may work the best. The decal should stay adhered to the clear mask and only the wax paper backing should be removed.
- If the decal is not sticking to the clear transfer tape when removing the wax paper simply turn the decal back over and squeegee or rub the decal to allow the tape to adhere back to the decal.
- Any bubbles after application can be pricked with a needle and worked out with your finger from the outside in. 
* Application area's when there are curves in more than one direction may need specific attention: 
Ex. side number plates or tail fairings on your motorcycle.
- The use of a heat gun or hair drier and wet application may be needed to ensure application without wrinkles. 
 - Spray application area with Application Solution or a mixture of soap and water (2 drops of dish soap to 1 liter of water) before you stick the decal on your bike. 
 - Be Careful not to get the backing paper wet, once wet the backing paper cannot be removed from the back of the decal. 
 - After backing is removed stick the decal in place. The soapy water allows you to move you decal into place. 
 - Once in place, squeegees down the decal to remove the excess air and water. 
 - Allow 40 minutes or longer for the decal to adhere before removal of the clear transfer/application tape. 


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